Anyone who knows me, knows my best friend is Private James Franklin Killgore. These past two months have been god awful. James went to Boot Camp a few days after I left for college. Since he's been down there I've written him twice, and he's written me twice.
Now, James and I are brothers. The boy practically lived at my house. He worked with my dad and my brother, Jason, and he was my brother Jeremy's work out partner. He was always welcome over at my house. Even if I wasn't there, he'd come over and just sit with my dad.
It's difficult right now, not having him around. I mean, yeah I have my friends here, and I have my brothers back home. None of them are the same though. James is my hetero-life mate, and it's been difficult readjusting to this life without him.
Things were so much simpler a year ago. I was getting back from Europe, and James was going to school at RACC. This past year went by too fast, but yet so much happened. With James's two underages and my possession charge, we became partners in crime. All of those long nights back Route 82 lighting campfires and just shooting the shit.
I guess, with everything going on in my life right now, I feel like I have no where to turn. Yeah, I have people I can talk to, but James always got me better. James knew what I was going to say, before I said it. He always knew how to tell me what to do without pissing me off. He just knew how to talk to me.
I know he's not gone forever, he'll be out of basic in a little over a month, and we'll be able to talk again. I just know that it's going to be different. We're not going to be together all the time. I guess that's what life is though, a constant stream of relationships that either end, get put on hold, or just develop more and more over time.
I just know that right now, I could use my best friend.