Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Second Lapse of Weakness

It's been nearly two years since my first Pneumothorax, or Collapsed Lung. My Momentary Lapse of Weakness covers the events very well, but that blog was written after I had returned home and had time to recover. This time there is no time to recover.

Thursday Night I felt an all too familiar pain in my left side. We went out on a quick beer run. It was a nice summer night, and I wanted a cool ale. I was getting into the backseat of my friend, Bill's, car when it happened. Everything was the same: tightness in my side, the feeling that I had to crack my back but couldn't, and the extreme shortness of breath. Everything I'd experienced two years ago hitting me all at once yet again.

What did I do to deserve this? I didn't even get to drink my Sam Adam's Summer Ale. James took my from Bill's house to my house, and from there my mom took me to the ER. Not that it really mattered, we both knew what was going on.

After sitting in the ER for four hours, they told me that my left lung had collapsed, but it was only twenty percent. Last time we hadn't caught it so soon, and it was seventy percent collapsed. I was lucky to have caught it so fast. It gives me a little more hope that it will heal without surgery.

They told me that they would not be putting a chest tube in though. They plan on waiting to see if the hole heals itself.

I didn't have this option last time. They put the tube in right away, so as to re inflate my nearly empty lung. Unfortunately though, instead of getting better. It's gotten worse. I'm not scared though. I know what I'm going through. I'm not looking forward to the pain of getting a chest tube, but at least the pain in my chest will stop.

I was told that this wouldn't happen again, but the doctors didn't realize there was a tiny bubble on my left lung. It barely even showed up on the CT scan this time.

Well, even thought I didn't want it, I still had to have a chest tube put in. That was a fun Sunday. My lung hadn't changed, so in it went. It was an all too familiar feeling, a feeling I didn't want to experience again.

I was surprised that they put the chest tube in the front. Most chest tubes are inserted in the side, between two of the ribs. This one mirrored my first chest tube, which reading back you will see did nothing to help me.

My oldest brother, Jeremy, his girlfriend, Jill, and my sister, Billy came to visit me that afternoon. Billy hadn't visited me the last time I was in the hospital, and had no idea what was going on this time. Jeremy, was yet again amazed by how calm and cool I stayed, and Jill didn't really have an opinion on the matter. She worked in the hospital and is used to seeing people in my condition.

Kyle Bailey, Rachel, and Brooks came to visit me that night in person. Kyle Montondo and Kelsey Ross visited me via Skype. Having people around makes everything better. Except when they made me laugh. They always say laughter is the best medicine, except when your lung has collapsed. In that case laughter makes it hurt more.

After Kyle and Kelsey were done with me, I joined the crew at AJ Simmons's Graduation Party. I was supposed to be in attendance but was unable to with my being in the hospital.

It was knowing that even though most of these people couldn't visit me, they were making an effort to see me and make sure I was alright.

I was taken off suction Monday morning; my lung had healed itself and was able to stay inflated on it's own, so there was no longer need for the suction. It still hurt having a tube sticking out of my chest, but having the suction turned off made a difference in the pain.

Joel, Rileigh, Tanesha, and Grace were the first to visit me on Monday. They came around lunch time. It's strange, but having people there really does make a difference. I don't know what it was, but I felt better when everyone was there. I guess it took my mind off of the pain. Felicia and Bill showed up as the first group was leaving, and Becky showed up as Bill and Felicia were heading out. Becky stayed for awhile and kept my mind off the tube. She left me with two books to read. Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet in Heaven.

After everyone had cleared out I video chatted with Jess, Jenn, and their friend Kristen. Again, keeping my mind off of the tube. Jess and Jenn were planning on visiting me, but I recovered much faster than expected, and they were unable to. After a back and forth exchange of motivational posters they took their leave.

My Lung Brother, Kyle Beatty, and James showed up with my parents next. It wouldn't have been a stay in the hospital without Kyle Beatty being there. He's the reason I knew I had a collapsed lung in the first place.

After everyone left I read The Five People You Meet in Heaven until I fell asleep. For those of you who haven't read this book, I highly recommend it. It's well written with memorable characters, and an exceptional plot. It's also a very fast read.

Tuesday I received news that I would be able to leave later that day. Everything had healed up as it should have. They pulled the cheat tube around noon, took an X-Ray, and I was out by two.

This is how everything was supposed to go last time. I required no surgery, and was out fast.

Now it's just time to sit back and heal. I have a lot to take in from all of this. I'll probably be writing another blog in the near future with some sort of life lesson I learned.

1 comment:

  1. It's strange. I feel as though I myself suffered a collapsed lung in reading yout blog. You're very descriptive. I was so impressed by your composure when I spoke to you. I didn't realize you were in so much pain. I hope that we may have helped you. You must keep that poster forever. For however much pain you've been through during the course of both collapses, it feels like this was positive. I dunno. You just seem touched by it. Sometimes tragedy is what brings out the love in us all. But no matter how enriching the visit, please don't end up there again any time soon. Just heal for now =]
