This semester is coming to a close. Looking back, I'm still amazed by how fast time flew by. So much has happened in these past few months. I knew I'd enjoy the college life, but I didn't think I'd like it this much. I didn't exactly think it would be like this.

There are mixed feelings about break. Part of me is happy to be going home to my friends and family, but part of me doesn't want to leave campus. I enjoy my life here, and it's entirely different than my life back home. Back home, no one wants to climb trees, build dams, or put bananas in trees. They just want to sit around and bitch about how bored they are. No one ever wants to go out and just do stuff.
Here, we can entertain ourselves for hours, just by goofing off. I guess it's because that's all we have here. Just a few good friends and some easy climbing trees.
I'm not even excited for Christmas this year. I'm excited to see my best friend again. It'll be nice getting back into that old rhythm. James randomly showing up at my house, us going out and getting into whatever we can find, and then either ending up at my house or Michael's. Just like the old days.
It's amazing how much different life is now then it was just a year ago. This time last year, I was working two jobs, I was applying to colleges, and I was living at home wishing I was somewhere else. Now, I sit here at school kind of wishing I was back there. A large part of me misses that life. I miss hanging out with James every night; I miss getting high and driving around looking for food. I guess that's just life though, a constant shifting of events.
I'm not the same as I was last year. I'm healthier, bulkier, and stronger. I'm not skin and bones anymore. I'm happy with it all too. I was never body conscious or anything like that. I just feel so much more comfortable with myself now. I'm almost up to 200lbs, which is my goal by the New Year.

I'm hosting a radio show now here on campus. I named it after Doc Brown's quote, 1.21 Gigawatts. Thus far we've had a few good shows, but last week was by far the best. I had a blast just hanging out with my friends in the station. I'm excited to see where the show goes from here. I'm hoping for big things.
Alright, in closing I'd just like to wish everyone Happy Holidays. I'll hopefully be posting again before the New Year.
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